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Intreaba despre Plan de lectie : Multiple Intelligences

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Plan de lectie : Multiple Intelligences

 Q:   Intreaba despre Plan de lectie : Multiple Intelligences       
Plan de lectie : Multiple Intelligences English Teaching : Inteligente Multiple - Multiple Intelligences

Grade: 8-th
Level: Pre-Intermediate
Number of students: 15
Unit: “If I had the money,..”
Topic: Conditionals. Type 2
Type of lesson: lesson of acquisition
Textbook: Snapshot – Macmillan Heinemann
Frequency: 2 hours/week; 50’/hour
to develop students’ listening-comprehension abilities;
to activate language functions;
by the end of the lesson students will be able to use correctly the second conditional;


Main Intelligence focus: 1. Linguistic/Verbal Intelligence: English language
2. Logical/Mathematical Intelligence: problem solving
Other Intelligences:
1. Intrapersonal Intelligence: reflection
2. Interpersonal Intelligence: gr oup-work, pair-work

Methods and Techniques: dialogue, explanation, exercise, discovery techniques, pair-work, team-work;
Materials: textbook, worksheets, blackboard, chalk
Skills involved: reading, speaking, listening, writing
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-Ss, Ss-T
• initial through warm-up
• continue through activities, observation
• error correction
• final through oral feedback
Timing: 50 minutes



• Activity 1
Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence
Method: dialogue, brainstorming
Classroom management: whole class
Procedure: The teacher makes a brief review of the previous topic on the first conditional;

Students are asked questions that lead them into practicing the second type conditional, by expressing structures such as would like, would prefer and would rather;
Timing: 5-8 min

• Activity 2
Logical/Mathematical Intelligence, Intrapersonal Intelligence
Method: dialogue, asking and answering questions
Classroom management: whole class
Teaching aids: textbook
Procedure: The teacher explains the students that the second type conditional expresses hypothetical, unreal situations and explains the form, use, verbal tenses, possible variations of the main clause;
Timing: 10-15 min

• Activity 3
Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence, Interpersonal Intelligence
Method: dialogue, writing notes, listening
Teacher aids: worksheets with grammar exercises
Procedure: The teacher writes two examples on the blackboard:
e.g/ If I were a queen I would be very happy
If I were you I wouldn’t eat so many sweets and emphasizes the different uses of second type conditional for actions not likely to happen or to give advice;
The teacher draws attention on the fact that, regardless their type, conditionals can be mixed; e.g/ Type two- Type one
If nobody phoned him, he won’t come to the meeting
Type three- Type two
If he had found a job he wouldn’t be searching for one now
Timing: 7 min

• Activity 4
Logical/Mathematical Intelligence, Intrapersonal Intelligence
Method: dialogue, eliciting ideas from students, matching exercises
Procedure: The teacher asks the students about their decisions in certain situations and gives them some worksheets containing jumbled clauses;Students have to match the clauses in order to make complete logical sentences
Timing: 10 min

• Activity 5
Interpersonal Intelligence
Method: chart completion
Classroom management: group work
Teacher aids: worksheets with grammar exercises
Procedure: The teacher hands the students paper works to practice the conditional structure;
Timing: 7 min

• Homework
Timing: 2 min
Task: Write a latter to your friend and tell him or her where would you like to live if you could live anywhere in the world; give reasons
sursa imaginii : freeschoolclipart.com

Tag-uri: lesson, plan, limba engleza, lectie, inteligente multiple, snapshot

Categorie: Planuri de Lectie  - ( Planuri de Lectie - Archiva)

Data Adaugarii: 04 April '08

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