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Intreaba despre Plan de lectie : Point the hour correctly

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Plan de lectie : Point the hour correctly

 Q:   Intreaba despre Plan de lectie : Point the hour correctly       
Plan de lectie : Point the hour correctly English Teaching : Lesson Planning

Class/level: 3rd grade/elementary school
Title of the lesson: I get up at 7 o’clock
Type of lesson: consolidation
Aims: At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to point the hour correctly and to talk about their daily activities in the English language.

Materials: book, blackboard, handouts.

Anticipated problems:

- The pupils may have some minor problems in expressing themselves in English.


- Teacher writes on the blackboard the title of the lesson and provides the pupils with handouts.


- Teacher asks the pupils if they know to count from 1 to 10.They count together.
- Teacher asks the pupils if they know how to point the hour.
- T eacher draws a clock on the blackboard and together with the pupils she points out the hour.
- Teacher asks the pupils to draw the clock on their notebooks.

Class work:

- The pupils are asked to read and translate short texts with Tom's daily activities(texts from the book)
- Teacher asks the pupils if they do the same thing. The answer will be: "Yes, I do". "No, I don't."
- The pupils are asked to identify correctly the chronological order of Tom’s activity in the exercice type” right or wrong”
- Teacher asks the pupils to write this on their notebooks.
- The pupils are asked to read short texts with Sue’s daily activities. In the texts there are clocks which indicate the hour correctly
- The pupils are asked to identify correctly from a row of three clocks
- The teacher asks then the pupils to identify the correct hour from a row of clocks.


- Pupils sing a song.They write down their daily activities.
sursa imaginii : freeschoolclipart.com

Tag-uri: plan, lectie, limba engleza, consolidation, lesson

Categorie: Planuri de Lectie  - ( Planuri de Lectie - Archiva)

Data Adaugarii: 03 April '08

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