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Lesson Plan : No Loud Music

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Lesson Plan : No Loud Music English Teaching : Lesson Planning

GRADE: 6th
LEVEL: beginners,2nd year of study
TEXT BOOK: Snapshot - elementary, Ed.Longman
TOPIC: You mustn’t play loud music!
- To develop Ss's speaking and listening competences
- To develop Ss' ability to use language in real life situations
- To revise and reinforce vocabulary concerning parts of a room, furniture,objects and materials
- To encourage speaking and comprehension skills;

OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson the Ss will be able to:
- Use correctly the practiced vocabulary
- Use the words and phrases in real life circumstances
- Create their own situations and deal with new circumstances in a conversation

TIME: 50 min
SKILLS INVOLVED: s peaking,writing,listening
AIDS: textbook, worksheets, posters, cue-cards, class cassette


- Activity 1:Warm-up:word web;test your memory ( 5min)
Teacher's activity: T enters the classroom, greets the Ss,asks them how they are, if there are any Ss missing.T remembers the task for the day: revise and reinforce vocabulary connected to furniture and objects in a room. T asks the Ss to take a quick look at the picture on pg.14 in their textbooks and then close all the books. T instructs the Ss to come to the blackboard and in turn to put down the words they can remember. T corrects the mistakes,if any.
Students'activity: Ss greet the T and in turn write the words on the blackboard.
Class management:whole-class activity

- Activity 2:Match! ( 5min )
Teacher's activity:T makes groups & gives worksheets.T instructs Ss to match the pictures and the objects and complete a chart.
Students'activity: In groups, Ss match and write down then report to the class..
Class management: group work
Skills: writing,speaking

- Activity 3:Guess what? ( 5min )
Teacher's activity: T makes pairs and instructs Ss to work together in order to find the right object described in words.
Students'activity:In pairs, Ss cooperate then report to the class
Class management:pair work
Skills: writing,speaking

- Activity 4: What colour is it,what is it made of?…(5min)
Teacher's activity: T hands in worksheets with a puzzle where the Ss have to identify four patterns and five colours of objects in a room.
Students'activity: Ss solve the puzzle.
Class management: whole-class activity

- Activity 5: Pre-listening: prediction ( 5min )
Teacher's activity: T asks Ss questions about the characters in the picture, their location, state of mind etc. and without reading the text asks them to imagine what their story is about.

T asks questions concerning the picture and the title:
o Who can you recognize in the picture?
o Where are they?
o How are they?
o What are they talking about?
Students' activity: Ss try to predict the story based on the image.
Class management: whole-class activity
Skills: speaking

- Activity 4: While listening (8min )

Teacher's activity: T makes groups and gives each a card with a question concerning the text Ss are about to hear. T asks Ss to find the answer in the text while listening to the tape and focus on the unknown words, if any.T instructs Ss to think of a suitable title for the lesson.
o Does Spike like her room?
o Does Mick like Stephan’s guitar?
o Can they use drawing pins to put posters on the walls?
o Can they listen to loud music after 10.30?
T plays the tape.
Students' activity: Ss pay attention and listen to the T. In groups Ss solve their task.
Class management: group-work activity
Skills: listening,writing

- Activity 5:Post listening (5min)
Teacher's activity: T elicits answers to check understanding and puts down whatever unknown words Ss may have difficulties comprehending (basic,drawing pins,).T draws attention on the usage of must(obligation). T asks Ss to solve ex.9/16 in the textbook:Correct the sentences.
Students' activity: Ss answer T's questions and write the new words in their notebooks. Ss solve ex 9/16.
Class management: whole-class activity
Skills: speaking, writing

- Activity 6: Role-play (5min)
Teacher's activity: T gives Ss hats with the names of the characters in the text.
Students' activity: Ss role-play the lesson.
Class management: whole-class activity
Skills: reading

- Feed-back: Listen and complete(5min)
Teacher's activity:T gives Ss worksheets and instructs them to complete the text with the phrases they hear.
Students'activity:In groups,Ss complete the text.
Class management: group work
Skills writing

- Assigning homework (2min)
T asks the Ss to describe Spike’s room as it is presented in the picture on pg.16-17 in the textbook .
sursa imaginii : freeschoolclipart.com

Tag-uri: snapshot, plan, lectie, lesson, limba engleza

Categorie: Planuri de Lectie  - ( Planuri de Lectie - Archiva)

Data Adaugarii: 03 April '08

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