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Lesson Plan : My family

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Lesson Plan : My family English Teaching : Lesson Plan

Class: I A
Time: 50’
Lesson: My family
Teaching aims:

- to understand the new teaching words
- to revise selected vocabulary items (family members)
- to practice the newly acquired vocabulary in various contexts

Learning aims:

- to acquire new vocabulary items through pictures, sounds,
- acting and miming
- to read small texts
- to respond to orders and commands
- to mime actions and feelings
Type of lesson: mixed
Teaching aids: pupils’ book, flashcards, photocopies,
drawing on the blackboard,
Assumptions: The pupils are familiar with the name of the members of the family.

Anticipated problems:

-They could become a bit noisy when working in pairs.
- Some of them (the dominant ones) may try to answer too often and exclude the others.
-use of mother tongue in work group

1. Warm-up
- Say “Hello!” and ask a few pupils “How are you?”
- Answer to my greeting and my questions
2. Checking previous knowledge
- Present the poster and ask them to name and describe briefly what they see announcing the title of the new lesson
- They name the people in the pictures
3. Presentation
- Ask the students to open their books
- Write the date and the title on the blackboard
- Ask the students a few questions about the text, draw on the blackboard and write the new words.
- they read the text in the book themselves

Write the date and the title, answer questions, draw pictures and write the new words in their notebooks.
4. Practice
- Divide the class into teams. Ask a student from each team to come to the blackboard. Give three cards and the other pupils have to ask him /her questions about the pictures.
- help the students by writing on the blackboard various types of questions, such as: “Who is that?”……”Is that your…..?”
- The three students receive three masks: a lion, a parrot and a monkey.
- the pupil should respond with “ This is …..”…….”Yes.it is….”.”No,it isn’t ….”
Team work
- Ask him/her to go back to her place and complete the exercises on the photocopies given
Reading and writing
- They complete the games given by the teacher on a piece of paper after reading it individually in silence.Pupils must give solutions to the exercises.
Pair work
5. Feed-back
- Ask the students read the text from the book and write doewn on the blackboard the new words
Writing and reading
- Pupils write down the new words.
Team work
6. Ending the lesson
- Ask the pupils to stand up and read the poem on their papers
- They read the poem
7. Homework
- Ask the students to repeat the new words learned during the lesson and dismiss the class
- They listen carefully and answer to the teacher’s goodbye
sursa imaginii : freeschoolclipart.com

Tag-uri: plan, lectie, familie, limba engleza, lesson

Categorie: Planuri de Lectie  - ( Planuri de Lectie - Archiva)

Data Adaugarii: 04 April '08

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