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Lesson Plan : Daily Habits and Times

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Lesson Plan : Daily Habits and Times English Teaching : Lesson Plan

Level: Beginners
No. of students: 50
Lesson: Daily Habits and Times
Aims: to develop Ss’ ability to use language in real life situations to enlarge Ss’ vocabulary about daily habits

Learning objectives:

- asking and answering questions using the present simple
- learning to tell the time in English
- learning vocabulary associated with daily habits , basic foods , times and countries

Skills involved: listening, speaking, writing, reading
Interactions: T-Ss; Ss-Ss; Ss-T
Materials: task sheets, blackboard
Evaluation: Continue : through activities, observation
Final : through oral and written feed-back and homework

Activity I

Linguistic/verbal intelligence; Intrapersonal intelligence
T hands ou t task sheets to each student .They have to fill out the block that says ‘me’ with his or her information. T explains that the Ss need to fill in the hour in witch they do each daily habit (get up, have breakfast, go to school, have lunch, go home, go to bed). Ss can write the time in either word or number form , depending on which one they are most familiar with.

Activity II

Interpersonal intelligence

When Ss have completed the task, T asks each S to choose a partner . One partner will ask the questions and the other will answer them. The student asking the questions should fill in the time their partner completes the daily routine. T asks the Ss to swap roles when they have finished.

Activity III

Rhythmic – musical intelligence / Visual – spatial intelligence
T divides the class in three groups , each group receives a task sheet which presents the activity of three people. While members of a group are speaking , the other two groups are listening and their leaders point on the blackboard the daily habits and the time they hear .

Activity IV

Verbal intelligence

T explains the Ss they should read silently each paragraph and then read the True/False sentences below the paragraphs. If the sentence is false, Ss must correct it. E.g. Number 1 is false so the Ss must write the correct answer below it ‘ Beth gets up at half past six. ’.
When all the Ss have finished , T goes through all the corrections with the class. Either asks for the answer and the correction or work with the third person interrogative form by asking the students ‘ What time does Beth get up ?’

Ss will have to present the daily programme of his / her family
sursa imaginii : freeschoolclipart.com

Tag-uri: plan, lectie, limba engleza, beginner, lesson

Categorie: Planuri de Lectie  - ( Planuri de Lectie - Archiva)

Data Adaugarii: 02 April '08

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