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Lesson Plan : Let's Talk!

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Lesson Plan : Let's Talk! English Teaching : Lesson Planning

TOPIC : Let's talk!

SKILLS : reading, speaking, writing,

LANGUAGE FOCUS : Asking for and giving personal information

LESSON AIMS : by the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
1. talk about personal preferences
2. say what is her/his star sign
3. write about her/his partener's details

AIDS : worksheets (star signs), blackboard, chalk

WARM - UP : the student on duty,tells the absents, the teacher writes the absentees in the Catalogue, then T checks homework and students correct the mistakes, if necessary

AIMS : to introduce the students into the new topic,talk about their date of birth
PROCEDURE : Teacher discusses with the students when and where were they born and depending on the date each of them decide what star sign do they have .

The teacher writes on the blackboard the star signs (Berbec, Taur,Gemeni , Rac, Leu, Fecioara, Balanta, Scorpion, Sagetator, Capricorn, Varsator, Pesti) .

The teacher asks the students if they have ever heard of horoscope, crystal ball, Tarot cards, palm-reading or astrology .



* to develop speaking skills,to ask and answer the partner`s questions
* to write about her/him and fill in the second column of the table with the information about the partner.

INTERACTION : S – S(work pairs)

PROCEDURES : The teacher gives the students some worksheets and asks them to fill in the first column of the table with information about themselves.
Eg: My star sign is Berbec.
My favourite food is pizza .
The best pop group is Queen .
When I grow up I want to be a vet .
After that each student has to ask his/her partner for personal information and fill in the second column of the table.

Eg : What’s your least favourite food ?
What’s the best film you have ever seen ?
What’s the worst thing you have ever done ?


AIMS: to write about him /her and the partner’s similarities and differences .

PROCEDURES : T asks the students to find out what are the similarities and differences between his/her answers and his/her partner’s answers and then to write sentences .

Eg: My partner's an Berbec, while I’m a Capricorn . We both have a dog.
Neither of us likes Maths .
sursa imaginii : freeschoolclipart.com

Tag-uri: lesson, plan, lectie, limba engleza, snapshot, intermediate

Categorie: Planuri de Lectie  - ( Planuri de Lectie - Archiva)

Data Adaugarii: 03 April '08

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