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Lesson Plan : Animals A - Z

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Lesson Plan : Animals A - Z English Teaching : Lesson Planning

Form: class 2 - Unit: Letter and Sounds - Animals
Level: beginners (1st year of study)
Time: 50’
Subject of the lesson: Animals A - Z

Teaching aims: - communicative aims:
• understanding the way words are written in English;
• increasing awareness about the sound - letters
• increasing cultural awareness about similarities and differences in flora and fauna

Learning aims: By the end of the lesson students will have:
• become aware of the way we spell words
• internalized the new vocabulary
• Personalized English through acting
Skills: listening, speaking, writing,
Aids: the handouts, the blackboard, the felt-book on Animals

Classroom management:

The classroom: must be clean, comfortable and bright; the chairs must be adapted for the activity and for the regroupings of the children.

Teacher's attitude: moves around the class, keeps eye contact, focuses attention to whom is speaking, encourages and makes positive remarks, varies the tone of the voice, doesn’t interrupt students rudely for correcting mistakes, smiles, encourages.


- initial: through “warm-up” activity; through “regrouping” activity
- continue: through analysis of answers, activities, observation, stimulation, error correction;
- final: through oral feedback, homework


Warm – up: 5’ Find the letter

Intelligence addressed: spatial, linguistic, intrapesonal
Aim: to help the students release stress and focus on English
The teacher greets the students and asks the students to identify the letters in a picture (taken from Forum Magazine). The letters are part of the pictures forming grass blades (M), the roof of a house (D), a rake (E). The Ss should know the English name of each and every letter. On the back of their picture handout there is a table with all the letters and their phonetic transcription

Learn the name of the animal 20 – 25’

Intelligence addressed: kinesthetic, linguistic, spatial, interpesonal, intrapersonal
The students are asked to use the table handout with letters and fill in the name of the new animal they learn in the right place. Eg. W:wolf, weasle
The Ss are told a very easy story based on the Quiet Book ( a felt book). The Ss are given a certain animal and asked to stick it on the felt book. When the word is written the Ss are made aware of the way we spell a certain word the way we do.

Song: 10’
Intelligence addressed: musical, linguistic, intrapersonal
The T calls different animal names and the Ss and T improvise the words of a song on the pattern:
An elephant has a long trunk(three times) Swish(four times) (taken from Pebbles The Monkey and the Penguin Song)
Feedback: 5’
Intelligence addressed: linguistic, intrapersonal
The Ss, in groups, are asked to say round the clock in one minute as many animals as they remember


Intelligence addressed: linguistic, intrapersonal
The Ss are asked to make a zoo dictionary as a project in groups of four.
sursa imaginii : freeschoolclipart.com

Tag-uri: limba engleza, plan, lectie, animale, lesson

Categorie: Planuri de Lectie  - ( Planuri de Lectie - Archiva)

Data Adaugarii: 02 April '08

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